Sunday, April 26, 2009

I Heart Masterpiece (Theatre)

Hooray! It's Little Dorrit Day! As a giant fan of both Charles Dickens and Masterpiece (Theatre)* I LOVE Sunday nights in the spring.

Two years ago I watched Bleak House; last year it was all Jane Austen. Heaven. This year they are doing mostly Dickens. Oliver Twist was good, and I LOVED Tom Hardy in something...hmm...Ooooh. Wuthering Heights. That was sooo great. Totally not Dickens though.

Because of Tom Hardy and his gorgeous co-star Charlotte Riley, I read Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. It was kind of a weird book. I can't even really recommend that anyone read it. Like The Scarlet Letter, it is a really great plot, not such a great read. Frankly, I like the screen versions of it better, both the one with Merle Oberon and Laurence Olivier, as well as this year's new version, which is more faithful to the original novel.

To sum up, I am an uber-nerd, by which I mean super awesome literary woman, and I can't wait to see if adorable Amy Dorrit gets to marry Mr. Clenham.

*I have no idea why they dropped the "Theatre" part It's not like it's any cooler of a show now, plus every one I know who watches it (me and my mother) still call it Masterpiece Theatre.

1 comment:

Stimey said...
