Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Not so sure I'm a blogger.

Argh. I totally suck at blogging. I have been thinking and thinking about it, but... nothing. Now that I am supposed to be writing something else, something fictiony that is due in four hours and fifteen minutes, sooooo, I will write a blog post.

War and Peace? Awesome. I am right smack in the middle and I can't wait to find out what happens to everyone. Reading W&P is kinda like watching a great miniseries on DVD from Netflix. There is a substantial number of fairly important characters, and you get to watch them emerge, and follow their life a little. War and Peace is totally not a miniseries though. It's a full on tv program of like three or four seasons.

I like the peace parts better than the war parts though. Napoleon Bonaparte actually appears as a character and I have to force myself to read those boring parts about him and various generals and the war. Snore.

The getting married parts, and falling in love, and maybe almost kidnapping and elopements; super exciting and compelling.


Swistle said...

I should totally try it again. I last tried it in high school, when I was all "I want to be someone who's read War and Peace," but then I gave up after about 2 pages because I hadn't understood that I was really more of a "I read Danielle Steele" type.

Anonymous said...

Yeah you're back. W and P is downloaded on my Kindle.

Melissa said...

So I made it through the first "chapter", at least I think it was a chapter but it was only a few pages. I found it interesting and I'm glad to hear that it's exciting! I will perservere!

Lindsay said...

OMG! I am starting a trend! I am not kidding when I say it gets better after the first 250 pages. (I am not the first person to discover this). Also, anyone who starts W&P has my permisson to skim the war part around page 5-600ish. I don't think those bits are integral to the plot development. I am choosing to focus on the relationship parts of this novel rather than the boring European History bits.

Lindsay said...

Also, give yourself plenty of time. This is not something to read within the three week library due date. Use up all your renewals. Melissa, you may keep that copy for as long as it takes. Or until you quit and hurl it through my window.