Friday, April 30, 2010

Screen Free Day 4

Hey this isn't so bad!  I was hopeful about cutting out tv, but scared.  I don't know what I was scared of, like maybe their heads would explode, but really, no biggie.  They ask for tv, but not with much enthusiasm.  And the way they have adapted by wandering off to their rooms by themselves.  Yesterday in the time before they left for Dad's house, a period we often have the tv on, I laid on the couch and ignored them and they played a rousing game of school involving shouting  and jumping.

A few of my goals haven't been met, I haven't made it to the library YET.  It's now Thursday morning and I'm going to make it my main goal today.  But really, we've been so busy with a field trip, with bowling and going to the park we haven't had time to get books to read.

In lieu of reading actual fun books, I finally finished 1984 by George Orwell.  It was a slog.  I wanted to read it because of it's prominent place in our culture and all that.  I'm glad I read it, and I appreciate it's significance, but woof.  It's really not my kind of book.   In high school for summer reading, we had to read a book by Ray Bradbury, and the only reason I remember it is because it was so alien (haha) to me and things I think about.  In most cases, I am not a fantasy or sci-fi gal, and don't care much for apocalyptic visions of earth or society.

An apocalypse on a small scale, like a family tragedy scale, yes, but collapse of human society, nah.  That said, in the last few years, I've read The Road by Cormac McCarthy, World War Z, 1984, and a couple others, all giving a vision of post-western society.   Now that I have them under my belt, I'm glad, but ick. Not fun reading.

1 comment:

Stimey said...

You and I are very different people, my friend.