Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sex-ed for Grownups

So, I've been reading lately but not blogging. A few weeks ago I spent an hour in Stimey's basement and she had re-organized her bookshelves in a very nerdy manner, like according to size and subject matter. I immediately grabbed Bonk by Mary Roach. I had previously read Stiff by Roach, and loved it.

Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex is about um, sex. It can make for some uncomfortable reading, especially if you are reading about the Dr. Kinsey's experiments, say, on the subway. Mary Roach takes the always fascinating topic of sex and makes it lighthearted, amusing and educational. Here are a few chapter titles, "Dating the Penis-Camera" "The Testicle Pushers" and "Mind over Vagina". I was mildly mortified several times while reading this book, and I think Roach was mortified a few times while researching it, but she pushes through bravely and gracefully giving a fun overview of some of the more technical aspects of human sexuality.

If you are not interested in reading about sex, you may like reading about dead bodies. Roach's earlier book Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers examines body snatching, decay of corpses, embalming and a whole array of things that can happen to you after you die.

If I had to choose an interesting and/or learned person to have lunch with, Mary Roach would be pretty high on the list. Despite her non-traditional subject matter, Roach's bright and warm personality shines through her prose.

1 comment:

Stimey said...

She also wrote a book called "Spook" about ghosts, but I haven't read that one yet.

Also, who are you calling a nerd?